Monday, 21 September 2009

Camera angles and effects

We have looked on the internet for different exsisting trailers to get ideas such as voice overs and effects.

WE are thinking that we might have to have a close up on the wedding photo or invitation because we need to make it obvious that it the two of them.

We have also started to think about the different camera angles we are going to use to create the different atmostpheres. for example for tension and a dramatic ending we are going to have a mid shot of the wife looking at the paper. and then maybe a close up of her face after Realising what it is, to show the how shocked she is.

We then thought it would add to the tention if as the women drops the Birth certificate on the floor, we follow it down with the camera finishing with a close up of the Birth certificate showing her husbands name!

After our research on trailors we have come to the conlusion that we are going to have the trailor/episopde based in christmas time. This is due to the fact we found that all the best and exciting storylines come out at christmas time. So we are going to use some of the ideas from exsisting trailers such as:

1) Xmas music

2) Voice over (not yet decided on man or women) ex. "Who's the daddy"

3) Flash up of words, such as " loves the dad.... loves the son"

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